Tlr7 - RNA Expression


Tlr7 - Gene Information

Name: toll-like receptor 7
Aliases: RGD1563357
Description: PHENOTYPE: The innate immune response to viral infection is affected in homozygous null mice. Mice homozygous or hemizygous for a point mutation produce little or no tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha in response to stimulation by a single stranded RNA analog. [provided by MGI curators]
Crossreferences: MGI:2176882, UniProtKB:A2AHJ1, UniProtKB:Q548J0, UniProtKB:P58681, NCBI_Gene:170743, UniProtKB:A2AHJ2, UniProtKB:Q3T997, UniProtKB:Q599W9, ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044583
This information is supplied by the API.

Tlr7 - Differential Expression

Control Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia 0.155 0.278 1
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia 1.233 0.279 0.00016722

EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
Control microglia -0.155 0.278 1
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia 1.078 0.279 0.0043735

GFPpos Tumor Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
Control Microglia -1.233 0.279 0.00016722
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia -1.078 0.279 0.0043735