Name: toll-like receptor 6 |
Aliases: |
Description: PHENOTYPE: Inactivation of this gene results in abnormal macrophage function. [provided by MGI curators] |
Crossreferences: MGI:1341296, UniProtKB:Q0PM14, ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051498, NCBI_Gene:21899, UniProtKB:Q3UV88, UniProtKB:A0A0J9YTV4, UniProtKB:Q9EPW9, UniProtKB:Q7TPC5 |
This information is supplied by the API. |
Compared To: | Log2fold: | SEM: | Adjusted p-value: |
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia | 0.109 | 0.594 | 1 |
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia | 0.71 | 0.595 | 0.45851214 |
Compared To: | Log2fold: | SEM: | Adjusted p-value: |
Control microglia | -0.109 | 0.594 | 1 |
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia | 0.601 | 0.595 | 0.62421047 |
Compared To: | Log2fold: | SEM: | Adjusted p-value: |
Control Microglia | -0.71 | 0.595 | 0.45851214 |
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia | -0.601 | 0.595 | 0.62421047 |