Tlr2 - RNA Expression


Tlr2 - Gene Information

Name: toll-like receptor 2
Aliases: Ly105
Description: PHENOTYPE: Homozygous null mice demonstrate abnormal responses to bacterial and viral infections. Mice homozygous for a knock-out allele also exhibit disruption in circadian active and inactive state consolidation. [provided by MGI curators]
Crossreferences: MGI:1346060, UniProtKB:G3X8Y8, UniProtKB:Q9QUN7, UniProtKB:Q811T5, ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000027995, UniProtKB:Q8K3D9, NCBI_Gene:24088
This information is supplied by the API.

Tlr2 - Differential Expression

Control Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia -0.005 0.361 1
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia -0.141 0.361 0.84564417

EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
Control microglia 0.005 0.361 1
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia -0.136 0.361 0.87930152

GFPpos Tumor Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
Control Microglia 0.141 0.361 0.84564417
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia 0.136 0.361 0.87930152