Ccr5 - RNA Expression


Ccr5 - Gene Information

Name: C-C motif chemokine receptor 5
Aliases: chemokine (C-C) receptor 5, Ckr5, Cmkbr5, CD195
Description: PHENOTYPE: Mice that are homozygous for null alleles have leukocytes with defective migration and adhesion, are more susceptibility to fungal & bacterial infections, have increased length of allograft survival, and have decreased susceptibility to endotoxin shock. [provided by MGI curators]
Crossreferences: MGI:107182, UniProtKB:P51682, UniProtKB:A0A1L1SS26, UniProtKB:E9Q351, UniProtKB:Q3TDA4, UniProtKB:E9Q3E5, NCBI_Gene:12774, ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079227
This information is supplied by the API.

Ccr5 - Differential Expression

Control Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia 0.214 0.272 1
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia 0.816 0.272 0.01903815

EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
Control microglia -0.214 0.272 1
EV-GFPpos Tumor Microglia 0.603 0.272 0.17412479

GFPpos Tumor Microglia

Compared To: Log2fold: SEM: Adjusted p-value:
Control Microglia -0.816 0.272 0.01903815
EV-GFPneg Tumor Microglia -0.603 0.272 0.17412479